⭐️PUZZLE CUBES!Fun and challenging Rubiks cube type puzzle with 3 fun variations of the classical cube everyone knows and loves, Including Numbered cube, Classical colour cube and Symbol cube.Why would you buy a real Rubiks cube? Heres like 12 cubes all in one app!⭐️LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY!Change and choose the challenge you face by selecting from 4 different difficulty levels, changing the size of the cube:Easy 2x2, Normal 3x3, Hard 4x4 and Extreme 5x5!⭐️COUNTERS!Do ticking clocks put you off and just get in the way? Dont care about counting your moves? Well no problem!Turn OFF/ON the timer and moves counter from within the settings menu then enjoy a nice challenging little puzzle an take your time.⭐️FEATURES: ➕ Puzzle scrambling ➕ 3 Fun puzzle types ➕ 6 Colourful themes ➕ 4 Levels of difficulty ➕ Time and move counters ➕ NO in-app purchases or Ads